Web Development - The Beginnings Of An Alternate Career??

Before getting any further, some background .. Firstly by no means am I a 'Web Developer' in the sense of this being my primary career. However I am hoping to make this part of a side hustle, to take me away from my primary job as a DevOps Engineer / Systems Engineer.

Now that is out of the way, lets go through Web Development Experience.

Web Development Experience:

After trying out VueJS and React, I decided VueJS would be better for me as I got to grips with it easier and quicker than I did with React.

VueJS - Frameworks

Framework wise, I have tried a few of the common VueJS support frameworks which are listed below:

After trying the frameworks about, I’ve decided that NuxtJs is my go to for any Vue base project that I am attempting / creating. This isn’t for any specific reason at all and is primarily because its a framework that I feel comfortable with and used more than any of the others listed above.

Away from Vue & Frameworks

I was recently introduced and switched over to Svelte instead of using VueJS and NuxtJS.

This was because of being lost / distracted by the features that are offered in NuxtJS and these not being relevant to the projects that I am currently undertaking.

Svelte is primarily a CSS & HTML based static generator for websites. However also has the ability and support for Dynamic Sites depending on its configuration. There is also the option for Typescript support as well.


For my personal progression, I’ve made the decision to invest time into learning the following languages / frameworks. This is primarily on the understanding that I have the time available and/or the requirement for this within a current project.

  1. TypeScript as and when time allows for this.

  2. Django which is currently used as the web development framework at work.

  3. React - giving this another go, and seeing if i still run into the same / similar issue that I did when i first started down this path of Web Development.

Only Time Will Tell .. May also update this on another post in a few months, or whenever the need for writing about this topic again appears…